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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2012-12-04 00:00:00 | 浏览量:1257803



科姆莱桑德森公司自其注册成立于1946年,Komline桑德森工程公司提供了高质量的设备的应用,包括生产过程/ FI ltration,干燥,污水处理,污泥处理和空气污染控制。本公司及其附属公司提供设备,不同群体世界各地的客户,包括城市污水和电力事业和广阔的范围内的工业客户。 公司总部设在12 荷兰大道,新泽西州Peapack, 07977,美国。

污泥,污泥及副产品干燥,Komline桑德森的光热产品集团供应干燥设备和系统为市政和工业客户端。 热加工:干燥,加热,和冷却该公司的线的间接干燥机/处理器被广泛应用于许多化工,食品,医药,冶金等行业。 应用范围包括烘干,加热,冷却,反应,熔炼,回火,溶剂回收,结晶,消毒,煅烧,焙烧和烹饪。这些过程都应用到糊剂,蛋糕,颗粒或粉末。 污水处理产品 Komline桑德森的污水处理产品集团提供优质的污水处理污泥处理设备和系统的供水和污水处理厂。 主要涉及市政污水处理系统的污泥从废水中分离。 20世纪50年代中期以来Komline桑德森还提供了一个品质路线,柱塞式泵,以方便污泥通过废物处理系统,进料带无线网络连接,滤波器印刷机,和泵的各个阶段的转印浓缩污泥。要确定适合的设备,每个应用程序的具体条件,公司提供实验室和现场试验测试服务。 过程过滤产品 komline-桑德森提供了优越的特种线的无线网络连接,ltration设备的各种应用化工,食品,医药等工业生产过程。众多的制造业务行业使用的设备,其中包括滚筒连接的过滤器,卧式真空滤波器,以及专门的系统的控制和仪器仪表。

Komline桑德森设计和制造过滤设备,分离宝贵的液体和固体从过程泥浆。这种分离的液体和固体的产品可以被进行进一步生产过程或干燥,包装适销对路的项目。 Komline桑德森的过滤设备被广泛地应用于食品加工,医药等行业,在食品行业,公司的过滤系统的广泛使用,生产的玉米糖浆,糖,淀粉,玉米加工和蛋白饲料一顿。制药应用包括主的液体和固体的分离从发酵液。从这个过程中的产品被用作药品的基地。 旋转式雾化器 Komline桑德森是旋转式雾化器的^供应商,在北美,欧洲与安装,和亚洲。在电厂和城市废物,这些雾化器用于烟气处理焚化炉,和喷雾干燥的应用程序。系统的重要组成部分,是直接驱动高速电机使用状态的先进的变频技术。 过滤布 现代工业每年需要大量更换过滤介质。 Komline桑德森的过滤器织物集团供应市场,提供各种过滤器和带式压滤机更换介质。 经营 Komline桑德森经营业务的公司的企业总部在Peapack,美国新泽西州,通过其附属公司,联营公司及世界各地的办事处。 Komline桑德森有限公司(KSL)是该公司的全资拥有的加拿大子公司,总部设在Brampton,安大略省。 该公司销售其产品在欧盟通过Komline,桑德森公司的全资霍尔斯特德,Essex,英国设有办事处的附属公司。 在远东,Komline桑德森市场和生产过滤产品通过长春Komline桑德森过滤器有限公司的合资企业,位于中华人民共和国中国。 公司资源 制造能力 Komline - 桑德森Peapack,新泽西州,美国维护其自身的综合制造设施,超过85,000平方呎(7,900平方米)的店铺面积住房各种各样的设备,金属制备,成型,加工,制造(ASME焊接压力容器代码认证),整理,和机械装配。该工厂还设有一个电器商店的制造和装配仪表板和马达控制中心。除了自己的生产设施,KomlineSanderson利用KS组件和设备制造公司认证的制造世界各地。位于新泽西州奥格登斯堡,该公司的过滤织物操作。 ^和商标 Komline桑德森奉行的政策获得^保护的系统和设备。


Komline-Sanderson Corporate Profi le Since its incorporation in 1946, Komline-Sanderson Engineering Corporation has provided the highest quality equipment for applications including process/production fi ltration, drying, wastewater treatment, sludge processing, and air pollution control. The company and its subsidiaries supply equipment to a diverse group of customers around the world including the municipal wastewater and electric power utilities, and a broad range of industrial clients. Corporate headquarters are located at 12 Holland Avenue, Peapack, New Jersey  07977, USA. BUSINESSES  Biosolids, Sludge,&By-Products Drying Komline-Sandersons Thermal Products Group supplies drying equipment and systems for municipalities and industrial clients. Thermal Processing:Drying,Heating, and Cooling The company’s line of indirect dryers/ processors are used extensively by many chemical, food, pharmaceutical and metallurgical industries. Applications include drying, heating, cooling, reacting, melting, tempering, solvent stripping, crystallizing, sterilizing, calcining, roasting and cooking. These process are applied to pastes, cakes, granules or powders. Wastewater Treatment Products Komline-Sanderson’s Wastewater Treatment Products Group provides quality wastewater treatment and sludge processing equipment and systems for water and wastewater treatment plants. Municipal wastewater treatment systems primarily involve the separation of biosolids from wastewater. Since the mid-1950’s Komline-Sanderson has also offered a quality line of plunger-type pumps to facilitate the transfer of sludge through various stages of the waste treatment system, feed belt fi lter presses, and pump thickened sludge. To determine the equipment best suited to the particular conditions of each application, the company offers laboratory and on-site pilot testing services. Process Filtration Products Komline-Sanderson provides a superior line of specialty fi ltration equipment for a variety of applications in chemicals, food, pharmaceutical and other industrial processes. The manufacturing operations of numerous industries use this equipment, which includes rotary drum fi lters, horizontal vacuum fi lters, and specialized system controls and instrumentation. Komline-Sanderson designs and manufactures filtration equipment to separate valuable liquids and solids from process slurries. The liquid and solid products of this separation can either be subjected to further manufacturing processes or dried and packaged as marketable items. Komline-Sanderson’s filtration equipment is applied extensively to the food processing and pharmaceutical industries; within the food industry, the company’s filtration systems are used extensively in corn processing, producing corn syrup, sugars, starch, and gluten feed meal. Pharmaceutical applications include the primary separation of liquids and solids from fermentation broths. Products from this process are used as the base for pharmaceutical drugs. Rotary Atomizers Komline-Sanderson is a leading supplier of rotary atomizers, with installations in North America, Europe, and Asia. These atomizers are used for Flue Gas Treatment at electric power plants and municipal waste incinerators, and spray drying applications. The key component in the system is a direct drive high speed motor using state of the art frequency inverter technology. Filter Fabrics Modern industry annually demands large quantities of replacement filter media. Komline-Sanderson’s Filter Fabrics Group supplies this market, providing replacement media for a variety of filters and belt presses. OPERATIONS Komline-Sanderson operates its businesses out of the company’s corporate headquarters in Peapack, New Jersey USA and through subsidiaries, affiliates, and agents worldwide. Komline-Sanderson Limited (KSL) is the company’s wholly-owned Canadian subsidiary headquartered in Brampton, Ontario. The company markets its products in the European Union through Komline-Sanderson Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary with offices in Halstead, Essex, England. In the Far East, Komline-Sanderson markets and manufactures its filtration products through Changchun Komline-Sanderson Filter Company Ltd., a joint venture organized and located in the People’s Republic of China. CORPORATE RESOURCES Manufacturing Capabilities Komline-Sanderson maintains its own integrated manufacturing facilities in Peapack, New Jersey, USA, with over 85,000 square feet (7,900 square meters) of shop area housing a wide array of equipment for metal preparation, forming, machining, fabrication (ASME code-certified for welding pressure vessels), finishing, and mechanical assembly.The facility also houses an electrical shop for the manufacture and assembly of instrumentation panels and motor control centers. In addition to its own manufacturing facilities, KomlineSanderson utilizes company-certified fabricators for the manufacture of K-S components and equipment worldwide. The company's Filter Fabrics operation is located in Ogdensburg, NJ. Patents and rademarks Komline-Sanderson pursues a policy of obtaining patent protection for its systems and equipment.



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